Welcome to Dementia Resource Community
Dementia Resource Community, established in 2016 by Cathrina Moore RMN RGN BSc, is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for individuals living with dementia. Our mission began with the goal of fostering collaboration among like-minded individuals and organisations. Our first partnership was with Dementia UK which initiated the Admiral Nursing Service in 2017. Our team has developed over time to ensure we have a great mix of skilled professionals working in the dementia field.
We now provide a variety of commissioned services for both the NHS and local third sector organisations, offering specialist clinical inputs such as:
Our Services
Dementia Specialist Nurse
Nautilus Welfare Fund
Chapel House Care
Memory Assessment
Our Dementia Specialist Nurses are specially trained to offer clinical assessments, health promotion advice, and emotional support tailored to each family’s needs.
The Nautilus Welfare Fund offers specialist support, information and advice to the carers of people with dementia.
Provides an Admiral Nurse that supports the carers of our care home residents, this service is specifically for family/friends during periods of transition.
Our Memory Assessment Nurses are skilled Registered Mental Health Nurses with significant experience in assessing cognition.
Further Services
Alongside our current service we can provide additional tailored services including:
Welfare clinics for corporate organisations with responsibility for employees in who haveadditional caring roles for a loved one living with dementia symptoms.
Bespoke training programmes for industry and organisations who would benefit from a better understanding of the needs of someone living with dementia symptoms.
Research and evaluation
Our commitment to research and evaluation has enabled us to demonstrate impactful outcomes in dementia care, contributing valuable insights to local commissioners.