DSN Nurses 01244  439703 

Admiral Nurse  0151 353 2043

Mariners and Seafarers

Nautilus Welfare Fund Admiral Nurse Service

Supporting carers and families of those with dementia.


The Nautilus Welfare Fund offers specialist support, information and advice to the carers of people with dementia.

Admiral nurses are registered nurses specialising in dementia. The service aims to help family carers gain the necessary skills to assist with dementia care, promote positive approaches to living well with dementia and improving quality of life.

The service has been developed in partnership with Dementia UK, a national charity which promotes and develops Admiral Nursing.


To qualify for this service the carer or person with dementia needs to be former merchant mariner.


Nautilus Welfare Fund Admiral Nurses work in partnership with carers, families and people with dementia. The services they offer include:

  • Provide support to carers, families and individuals with dementia
  • Psychological support to help understand and deal with feelings and emotions
  • Practical advice
  • Helping carers to develop and improve skills in care giving
  • Guidance about support from the Nautilus Welfare Fund at Mariners’ Park including housing options, respite care, long term care and financial support
  • Referral to treatment and support services
  • Therapeutic, educational and social support carer groups
  • Clear guidance about how appropriate service and sources of support can be accessed in your local area
  • Liaison with other professionals and organisations to ensure that families obtain coordinated support

All These Services Are Free

Or contact Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline on 0800 888 6678, from 9am to 9pm Monday to Friday and Saturdays and Sundays 9am to 5pm. Or send an email to helpline@dementiauk.org